vc_edit_form_fields_attributes_vc_ Issue 3-2016 – Red Cross Red Crescent

Issue 3-2016

Money talks

Communication, community engagement and preparedness are key as more National Societies use cash in emergency response.

Publications issue 3

World Disasters Report 2016IFRC, 2016 A lack of global investment in strengthening community resilience is leaving tens of millions of people exposed to predictable, preventable and catastrophic disaster risks. This is the key message behind the IFRC’s World Disasters Report 2016. According to the report, despite broad recognition that investing in resilience before a disaster [...]

The cost of violence

Author and researcher Patricia Leidl says the helping communities recover from crisis and overcoming poverty requires greater protection for women and girls.

Focus: Lives in limbo

In a field hospital at the al Azraq refugee camp, just 100 kilometres from the Syrian border in northern Jordan, a baby is born to a woman fleeing conflict in Syria.

Guest editorial

Cash, a chance for change
By Degan Ali, executive director of African Development Solutions.

Education in crisis

With more people on the move than ever before, conflicts lasting years and chronic violence on the rise in many areas, millions of children are deprived of even a basic education.

Attacks on aid workers continue

Attacks on aid workers continueA horrific attack on an aid convoy and a warehouse operated by the Syrian Arab Red Crescent near Aleppo killed 20 civilians (including a Red Crescent staff member) in September and deprived thousands of civilians of much-needed food and medical assistance. “We’re totally devastated by the deaths of so many people, [...]

Italian Red Cross aids quake victims

Italian Red Cross aids quake victimsAfter a series of earthquakes rocked central Italy between August and November, Italian Red Cross volunteers worked tirelessly to rescue people from the rubble, provide meals and offer psychological support to those who lost everything in the quake — including their own family members. The Red Cross’s mobile kitchen in [...]

Volunteers respond to Gabon election violence

Volunteers respond to Gabon election violenceIntensive preparation before recent elections helped the Gabonese Red Cross Society respond to election-related violence that reportedly left 15 people dead and more than 100 injured. As part of a contingency plan developed by the National Society, 110 volunteers were deployed nationwide to provide assistance to the injured. IFRC emergency [...]

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